Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mortgage Protection Leads to Annuity Sales - Learn the Secrets

Most insurance agents know the basics of selling mortgage protection plans. Generally the choice is term insurance that will pay a future benefit in the event of the death or disability of a mortgage payer. It is simple and an easy need to be understood by the prospect.

How do you convert a possible $600 to $1,000 commission to a larger payday and one where the result is not a transaction but a client relationship is developed? How do you make jump to big time sales from this basic insurance need sale? Here is a tried and true system which never fails.
Explain to the client that there are three ways to protect against the mortgage in the event of death. Each has different expenses and each has different benefits. Start with plan one.

Plan one is pay for protection. The death benefit will be paid in the event of death and it can be used to pay off the mortgage. This is the least out of pocket premium but there is no refund on the premium, think of it like you would car insurance. You purchase the protection and the monthly premium is $100. (term life insurance)

Plan two is mortgage elimination. The death benefit is always paid but this plan has a side fund that can be used for paying off the mortgage early. As an example in year 15 this policy has an accumulated cash value of $100,000 and at that time the funds an be removed from the policy and applied to the mortgage. This policy has terrific benefits and can have the side fund be available for emergencies and even college education. Because of the benefits that this policy provides the amount required to save each month is $500. (whole life)

Plan three is a blend. This policy provides all the death benefit needed to pay off the mortgage in the event of death but it also has a side fund. The side fund can be used to pay off the mortgage at some future date and it can also be available for emergencies and even at some time in the future for a college fund. This plan allows for a flexible deposit and at some future date should you decide to increase the monthly deposit, you may. The amount of monthly deposit to initial this plan is $200 a month. (Universal life)

Almost 100% of the time plan two will be selected and it will result in a higher premium for the insurance company, higher commissions for you and greater benefit for the insured. Because the selection of plan two insinuates a future living benefit the assumption of client counselor relationship is assumed.

The next step to accomplish is a fact finder and to determine the overall financial situation of your new client. At this time a determination of their overall needs can be assessed and it allows for setting of the stage in the future to discuss how annuities and other insurance products can be used.
By thinking outside the box even about the most simple of sales, mortgage protection) a whole new world of sales potential emerges.

Bill Broich is thirty year annuity salesman who helps agents generate leads and sales. To discover more visit his website: Mortgage Protection Leads

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Friday, July 23, 2010

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

What Never to Test in Your Sales Letters and Ads


The marketer's favorite answer to any question.

What color headline do you use?


Where do you put the opt-in box on the page?


How many order links should be in the ad?


What is the capital of Nebraska?


Hey, I have NOTHING against testing. I actually love testing things and believe everyone should do it (and as often as possible -- especially since it's so easy on the Internet).

However, there are some things you cannot test -- no matter how sophisticated Google's newest brain fart is. Things that can have a HUGE impact on your sales.

What I'm talking about is the "intangible" stuff.

The "supernatural" parts of marketing you can't see, touch, feel, smell or hear (much less test).

And you know what?

If you start focusing on these intangibles, you will almost always see a dramatic bump in sales -- without testing a single word of your copy.

For example, here's what I mean by the intangibles:

  • Personal branding (not corporate branding, **personal** branding -- how people think and feel about YOU personally)

  • Bonding with your list & customers (so they come to feel like they really know you)

  • Keeping your list familiar with you and your patterns (i.e. frequency & consistency of contact)

  • Positioning in your market

  • Personality (that both attracts and repels)

  • Etc.

Anyway, I know this stuff is "touchy feely." And much of them overlap with each other. But they can make a BIG difference in sales over time.
Focus on them, and you can't help but see major improvement.

For more copywriting secrets tips and ideas like this, listen to the free copywriting interview at:

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Increase Annuity Sales Leads With a Pitch Book!

A pitch book is a very good tool to use when selling annuities.  The fact that you are the author has somewhat of a "glamour" appeal to the prospective client.  Along with that appeal is the value in basic information and historical components of annuities.  

When writing your pitch book, keep your target market in mind.  Usually you will be marketing annuities to seniors.  Bring up historical facts that they can relate to and link it with annuities. Compare and Contrast the way annuities used to function in society and explain where we are now as well as the future of annuities based on past events.  This is a major selling point simply because it spells out the benefits clearly as well as backing up those benefits with past examples.

Don't be afraid to be negative about annuities.  One thing that you can say is that global events can (and Have) affect the financial market.  This will show the prospect that you are honest. Some people think that annuity salespeople are sharks in that they are just in it for the money and not to help anyone.  Break this sense of distrust that most people have with a blunt honesty. This is a huge marketing advantage.

Add information from third parties!  This is vital in sounding credible.  You can use quotes from well established newspapers or highly acclaimed news programs.  It will show your audience that you are knowledgeable in your field as well as a diligent researcher.

Remember, a pitch book is not an infomercial.  It is designed to explain the product that you offer, how it will benefit the reader, and what you hope to accomplish in building the client-agent relationship.  Roughly explain the industry and the products that you offer.  Explain the products can be shaped in a way that fits the clients needs.

For more lead generating ideas, check out this website: This is the best book I have ever read as far as generating good annuity leads.

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